Keep in mind that this event is held in, and on, casino property and all participants, and guests, are to abide by policies set in place by the racing and gaming authority. If you are not allowed to be on casino property, you are not allowed to take part in this event. Children under 18 are welcome if accompanied by an adult; however, no one under the age of 21 is allowed access to the casino.
Any participant caught using a cell phone during any of the four testing portions of the event will be automatically penalized with scoring deductions towards their team score. This includes the written exam, personal interview, pre-trip inspection and driving skills test. It is advised to leave cell phones in the hotel rooms or personal vehicles during the event. The Iowa Motor Truck Association is not responsible for lost cellphones and will not place individuals in charge of making sure participants cell phones are kept secure.
All of the driving will be done on day two, on two identical courses. The committee chairman appoints committee members to draw up courses for review. The committee chairman then makes the final decision as to the final course layout two days prior to the event. Course layouts will not be provided prior to the event. All equipment used in the competition is provided. Every effort is made to provide new equipment and to provide everyone a fair opportunity during their driving skills competition and pre-trip inspection.
Professional conduct is required at all times and if any competing driver displays inappropriate conduct, he or she will be asked to leave the competition and future participation will be considered by the rules committee.
COMPETITION: The only dress code that is required is that the drivers dress properly and professionally. Company uniforms are not required but are highly encouraged. Drivers are judged on a number of items and dress is one of those items. Remember, this event is highly visible and very representative of the industry. Our objective is to promote the professionalism that exists in the industry. Drivers are true professionals and we encourage them to make an effort to dress that way.
BANQUET: This is a special evening & we strongly encourage folks to “dress up” for the event. Sport jacket & nice pants are acceptable. For ladies, we always have a very nice variety of evening wear at the event. Please refrain from graphic tees, baseball hats, torn jeans, flip flops, etc. Keep in mind, this is a formal event!
As part of the entry fee, all registered drivers are automatically registered for the three provided meals. Spouses, children & any extra guests must register in advance to be allowed to take part in the meals. The meals all attendees are registered for will be denoted on their nametags with specific icons.
THURSDAY EVENING: We have reserved the entire Brick & Ivy sports bar to enjoy an evening of good food, cold beverages, and live entertainment. This is a casual atmosphere that has both indoor/outdoor seating, upstairs/downstairs seating & bars, etc. Each guest will receive 2 complimentary drink tickets upon arrival, so be sure to check in at the registration table on-site to redeem!
FRIDAY MORNING: You will want to make sure you’re on time for this special event as we have a few fun items planned for this morning. Come grab some breakfast and enjoy the festivities we have planned --- and you may just walk away a winner!
FRIDAY EVENING: The grand finale of our TDC is the Banquet of Champions. Every participant (and spouse/special guest) is recognized & awards are presented to the respective winners in the various classes. This is a formal banquet that further highlights & showcases the valuable men & women of the trucking industry.
FRIDAY EVENING SEATING INFORMATION: Based off attendee feedback, the Banquet of Champions on Friday evening will feature reserved seating at tables according to your company name. Tables will not be sold or reserved ahead of time; instead IMTA will reserve tables in alphabetical order by company for only the number of attendees registered for the Banquet of Champions by the deadline day. We cannot stress enough to register by May 31. Banquet registrations that come in AFTER the deadline will be placed at tables in the back of the room. Specific table assignments will be provided prior to the event.
- The registration deadline of May 31 has expired
- Company A has 7 people registered for the Banquet
- Company A will be assigned to table 1 for ONLY the 7 people registered by the deadline, leaving 3 seats available at the table for the next company
- Company B has 13 people registered for the Banquet
- Company B will be assigned 3 spots at table 1 and 10 spots at table 2
- Company B has 3 last minute additions to the Banquet (after the deadline of May 31). These 3 attendees will be able to sit down at open tables in the back of the room and not with the company at tables 1 and 2. We are not allowed to add seats to tables, and we are not allowed to add tables once the doors open.
We hope by doing this that it alleviates the stress of being in the banquet room immediately once doors open, and instead encourages folks to mingle and enjoy the cocktail reception. Please keep in mind that we are all attending the Banquet of Champions to celebrate the professionals who just got done competing, we are not attending to sit in the perfect seat --- they are all perfect seats. This industry is full of amazing people, get to know the newer faces that may be at your table! IMTA reserves the right to alter seating assignments should the need arise.
In the event of a medical emergency, all drivers and volunteers are asked to complete the online medical release form. The information included on this form is not only private, but also crucial should the services of medical professionals be needed. You may access the form by clicking here.
Recruiting of drivers is strictly prohibited. Any company representative that engages in recruiting will be asked to leave and if their company has a driver, or team, competing, they will be automatically disqualified.
Registration will be located at Prairie Meadows inside the Meadows Entrance. Registration materials include nametags that also serve as your meal tickets, schedules & any other pertinent information on the event. If you registered guests for the event, their information will be combined with yours in a packet. All company representatives will have their own separate nametag NOT in your packet.
The registration desk will be open no earlier than 12:30pm on Thursday, June 13 & will plan to close at 5:00 pm, and on Friday, June 24 the desk will be available throughout the day from 7:00am – 5:00pm at the latest.
There are four areas of testing for the competition: Written Exam (100 points), Personal Interview (100 points), Pre-Trip Inspection (100 points), and Driving Skills Test (300 points). Scores are final and test scores are not publicly posted nor shared with anyone outside of the company of which the driver is employed. The individuals signing off on the employer entry and release page will receive the results of their specific drivers approximately 10-days following the event. Scores are not given out at the event. All of the scoring is professionally done through a computerized program overseen by an outside representative who inputs and reviews the information.
If your company plans to bring a tent or have a vendor supply a tent, IMTA must be informed & then company tents will be assigned locations on ‘tent row’. IMTA will need to know the dimensions of all tents in order to plan accordingly. If your company does not provide IMTA with confirmation of bringing your own tent or you do not utilize the required vendor below, IMTA is not liable for lack of space or having to remove your tent should it be set-up in an already reserved location according to our layout.
Tim Lancial
(515) 237-8282; decorateiowa@aol.com
The Iowa Truck Driving Championships are held rain or shine. The weather is a factor that a professional truck driver has to deal with on a daily basis. The driving portion of the event may have to be delayed or postponed if the safety of the volunteers, spectators or drivers are jeopardized due to weather. The committee retains the right to change the schedule if weather problems arise during the competition